How Life Works: A User's Guide to the New Biology by Philip Ball
- How Life Works: A User's Guide to the New Biology
- Philip Ball
- Page: 552
- Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
- ISBN: 9780226826684
- Publisher: University of Chicago Press
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A cutting-edge new vision of biology that will revise our concept of what life itself is, how to enhance it, and what possibilities it offers. Biology is undergoing a quiet but profound transformation. Several aspects of the standard picture of how life works—the idea of the genome as a blueprint, of genes as instructions for building an organism, of proteins as precisely tailored molecular machines, of cells as entities with fixed identities, and more—have been exposed as incomplete, misleading, or wrong. In How Life Works, Philip Ball explores the new biology, revealing life to be a far richer, more ingenious affair than we had guessed. Ball explains that there is no unique place to look for an answer to this question: life is a system of many levels—genes, proteins, cells, tissues, and body modules such as the immune system and the nervous system—each with its own rules and principles. How Life Works explains how these levels operate, interface, and work together (most of the time). With this knowledge come new possibilities. Today we can redesign and reconfigure living systems, tissues, and organisms. We can reprogram cells, for instance, to carry out new tasks and grow into structures not seen in the natural world. As we discover the conditions that dictate the forms into which cells organize themselves, our ability to guide and select the outcomes becomes ever more extraordinary. Some researchers believe that ultimately we will be able to regenerate limbs and organs, and perhaps even create new life forms that evolution has never imagined. Incorporating the latest research and insights, How Life Works is a sweeping journey into this new frontier of the life sciences, a realm that will reshape our understanding of life as we know it.
How Life Works: A User's Guide to the New Biology
A cutting-edge new vision of biology that will revise our concept of what life itself is, how to enhance it, and what possibilities it offers – from Science
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It was the first truly comprehensive set of integrated tools for introductory biology, seamlessly incorporating powerful text, media, and assessment to create
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* Title How Life Works: A User's Guide to the New Biology * Author(s) name(s) Philip Ball * ISBN (or ASIN) 9781529095982 * Publisher Picador
How Life Works: A User's Guide to the New Biology
A cutting-edge new vision of biology that will revise our concept of what life itself is, how to enhance it, and what possibilities it offers.
How Life Works: A User's Guide to the New Biology
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How Life Works: A User's Guide to the New Biology
A cutting-edge new vision of biology that will revise our concept of what life itself is, how to enhance it, and what possibilities it offers. Biology is
How Life Works: A User's Guide to the New Biology eBook
In How Life Works, Philip Ball explores the new biology, revealing life to be a far richer, more ingenious affair than we had guessed. With this knowledge come
How Life Works: A User's Guide to the New Biology eBook
A cutting-edge new vision of biology that will revise our concept of what life itself is, how to enhance it, and what possibilities it offers – from Science
How Life Works: A User's Guide to the New Biology
A cutting-edge new vision of biology that will revise our concept of what life itself is, how to enhance it, and what possibilities it offers.
How Life Works by Philip Ball
Book cover of How Life Works. How Life Works. A User's Guide to the New Biology. Ball, Philip. 23 €. Cart icon Pre-order. Not available in-store, but available
Biology: How Life Works
BIOLOGY: HOW LIFE WORKS has been a revolutionary force for both instructors and students in the majors biology course. It was the first truly comprehensive
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How Life Works: A User's Guide to the New Biology : Ball
In How Life Works, Philip Ball explores the new biology, revealing life to be a far richer, more ingenious affair than we had guessed. With this knowledge come
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